A report published today by watchdog Corporate Europe Observatory “Regulation - none of our business?” exposes the leaked Commission document and how it proposes to set up a “Regulatory Cooperation Council” which would assess existing and future regulations on both sides of the Atlantic to ensure that they are 'compatible' and do not undermine business interests. Business will be involved from the beginning of the process, well before any public and democratic debate takes place, and will have excellent opportunities to oppose important initiatives to improve food standards or protect consumers. (Leaked proposal for EU-US trade deal increases business power in decision-making, 16.12.2013)Ich zweifle, dass diese Meldung von 2013 schon allgemein wahrgenommen und in ihrer Bedeutung berücksichtigt worden ist.
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Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015
TTIP-Vorschlag: Industrielobby soll Gesetzesvorhaben vorab auf Marktkonformität prüfen können
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